Data Structure-Introduction


Data Structure is a scheme of collecting and organizing data in such a way that we can perform operation on these data in an effective way.

Program = Data Structure + Algorithm


It is finite set of instructions to accomplish a particular task.
Its properties are:
1. Input:- It accepts zero or more inputs.
2. Output:- It produces at least one output.
3. Definiteness:- Every instruction is precisely described and clearly specified.
4. Finiteness:- It terminates after a finite numbers of steps.
5. Effectiveness:- The solution prescribed is guaranteed to give a correct answer and that the specified process is faithfully carried out.


Flowchart is a pictorial or diagrammatic representation of an algorithm.
The standard set of flowchart symbols are:
Example of Flow Chart


Data Type is a well defined collection of data with a well defined set of operations on it.
Example: In C, int is a data type and (+, ­ ,/, *,etc) are the set of its operations.
The different types of data type are:


The Abstract Data Type is a data type which is defined in terms of a set of values and a set of operations on it, and hides its implementation specific details. The operations are defined by its inputs and outputs.
Example:­ Stack is an ADT having operations like push(), pop(), etc.


There are different types of data structures available. The choice of an appropriate data structure depends on the requirement.

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